Friday, February 20, 2009

Good Advice

Have you ever had that one person that you could really confide in? Mine is my Uncle Fred. My Uncle Fred is a person that I really look up to. He is the Senior Minister at Ionia County Church of Christ, and a great uncle. I have known Fred for a long time, and I have really grown to trust him a lot. He has been known from time to time to offer some very good advice to me. He has been through high school just like me and so every once and a while he'll have a new peice of advice for me. Whether it be about how to stay ahead academically in school or just life advice. Although just recently he offered me a peice of advise, and I have to say that I think it is really going to help me in the future. I really have a lot to thank my Uncle Fred for, he has been there with good advice whenever I need it. Really all I can say is Thanks! Oh and Fred if you are reading this, the advice was very helpful. I took action right away. Thanks!!!


Anonymous said...

Hello young one... Dan the man says Hello from Indiana... I'm filling in for Donna Casebere in the office today... was doing some work on the cp ...updating prayer list and such... checked in on your dad's blog ... saw you listed thought I would say hey... nice blog about your "Unk" glad you have someone to unload on... take care... Debi

Caleb said...

hey thats really cool, im glad things are going well at church and i hope that things continue to go well.