Friday, October 3, 2008

First Deer

Sorry I know its been a while since I have blogged. Just recently I spent this past weekend up north in Claire Michigan. This past weekend was the youth deer hunt in Michigan. I had hunted on Saturday morning, I saw three doe but nothing was close enough to shoot at. That evening I went out and sat in the deer blind, I hadn't seen anything until right about 5:30 p.m. What looked at the time to be a doe was just walking a row of beans, just eating and chilling out. I got my gun up, I was shaking so bad. I had the gun up and down from my shoulder at least three times before I was still enough to shoot. Finally I shot, I had drilled him right through the vitals he ran about 20 yards and then went into some brush. He was done for. I had killed my first deer, and as it turned out it wasn't a doe, it was a buttonbuck. He turned out to be a little smaller than he looked from my blind. It was a 200 yard shot with an 8mm rifle, and for all you hunters out there they all look bigger through the scope. All in all I am and was pretty excited, it was my first deer, and it turned out just the way I wanted to.


James Pahl said...

Way to go Street!

Anonymous said...

Bubba for the record it is called "ground shrinkage" Either way kid I am proud of got the first one out of the way. Did you drink the blood?


Caleb said...

Thanks Freddy, and no i didn't drink the blood. Maybe next time though!!!