Friday, March 14, 2008

Spanish Class... Funny

So yesterday during Spanish we had a sub. We were told by the regular teacher that we were to watch the Incredibles in Spanish. Unfortunately she was unable to get the video to Spanish... Bummer!!! Of course everyone in the class knew how to do it, but obviously not one hand in the class went up... Duh!!! So naturally we had to watch the movie in English instead of in boring old Spanish. Lets just say that Spanish that day was extra fun.


dmarks said...

Should have had the sound off, and the teacher challenge the class (most of whom know the movie well) to recite as much dialogue as they could... in Spanish.

Anonymous said...

oh yah real bummer caleb. u had to watch the movie in english. haha


Caleb said...

yah i know it was so boring and stupid


Anonymous said...

Ayuda me ayuda me! Ay Curmaba, es Senior Incredible!

I might watch that in Spanish now...although truth be told it would be to make sure I'm smarter than that sub.

Caleb said...

Si, tu eres senior incredible.